mediation services in Holbrook NY

Navigating the end of your marriage is often a stressful experience. It’s not only emotionally taxing, but the process itself can be drawn-out and destructive to all those involved. One of the first things you must decide is which process you’ll use to get a divorce. You can do it yourself or go to court, but mediation is often the best way to handle divorce. At Gulotta & Gulotta, our mediation services in Holbrook NY can help you achieve an optimal outcome efficiently at our Ronkonkoma office. Continue reading below to discover the benefits of having a mediator. 


Benefits of Having A Mediator


In many cases, divorce is an expensive and highly emotional process. However, mediation is a choice that can make this process less volatile without breaking the bank. Mediation involves an independent third party who meets with each spouse to work out all the divorce details. Mediation services in Holbrook NY, at our Ronkonkoma office help facilitate an amicable arrangement that serves each party equally. There are several benefits of opting for mediation instead of a court-centered divorce. Here are some of the benefits of having a mediator:

  • Less Expensive – Individual communications, meetings with separate attorneys, and court fees can add up. Couples interested in mediation will only work with one mediator, simplifying the proceedings and lowering the costs associated with divorce. 
  • Less Stress – Typical divorce proceedings may be fraught with frequent confrontations, court appearances, and attorney meetings. Mediation promotes peaceful cooperation that is mutually beneficial to those involved. The mediator’s role is to help with the agreement of divorce terms but also to help ease tense emotions throughout the process. 
  • Confidential – Your divorce will be aired in a public courtroom, allowing anyone present access to the intimate details. Those who opt for a court-centered divorce have very little privacy. Mediation is entirely private and confidential, and you may not ever have to appear in court. Our mediator will handle the paperwork and ensure each person’s privacy.
  • Faster process – While mediation can take time, the average time for completion is around five to ten weekly sessions. A complicated divorce can drag on for months or years. The relaxed and negotiable mediation process facilitates a quick and efficient divorce process. 

It’s important to note that divorce mediation is not for everyone. At Gulotta & Gulotta, our mediator can evaluate your case and determine whether or not mediation is suitable for your divorce.


Contact Us For Mediation Services In Holbrook NY


Divorce can be a painful and challenging endeavor. Many individuals who use mediation feel satisfied with the process and divorce. If you are interested in pursuing mediation, Gulotta & Gulotta is here to help! Be sure to contact our Ronkonkoma office to learn more about our mediation services in Holbrook NY!


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Gulotta & Gulotta Law Firm