Criminal Defense

Gulotta & Gulotta, PLLC is now helping those who have been accused of a crime defend themselves in court.


Leading with a strong defense from the beginning of a criminal proceeding may make a major difference in outcome for those who are accused of committing crimes in New York.  If you are arrested and charged with a crime, it is important to speak with a  New York criminal defense attorney who can guide you.


Protect your rights from the beginning and make sure you are represented in court.  Let Gulotta & Gulotta, PLLC fight come to your defense! Gulotta & Gulotta, PLLC can help you defend yourself in every level of criminal charges, including:

Violations are the least serious type of criminal offense in New York.


These include all offenses for which a person can be sentenced to prison for no more than 15 days.  However, these do not include traffic infractions.


Violations encompass a wide range of offenses, including harassment, trespassing, disorderly conduct, etc.


Those who are arrested for these violations can still be taken into custody by the police.  They may also be issued a notice to appear in court.

Misdemeanors involve crimes that may result in a sentence of imprisonment of between 15 days and one year.  These offenses are more serious than violations.


Misdemeanors are grouped into two classes.

  • Class A misdemeanors (most serious) are punishable by up to one year in jail and three years of probation.
    • Some common Class A Misdemeanor offenses are stalking, petit larceny, criminal trespass, and reckless endangerment.
  • Class B offenses (less serious) are punishable by up to three months of imprisonment and one year of probation.
    • Some common Class B Misdemeanor offenses are prostitution, harassment, loitering, public lewdness, and possession of small amounts of marijuana.

Felonies are the most serious criminal offenses that you could be charged with.  They are more serious than violations and misdemeanors.  There are, however, different classes of felonies that range in severity.

  • Class A-I: maximum term of life in prison, with a minimum term between 15 and 25 years (or longer for certain charges of murder or attempted murder)
    • ex. arson, aggravated murder, and kidnapping.
  • Class A-II: maximum life sentence, with a minimum between three years and eight years plus four months (or longer for predatory sexual assault)
    • ex. illegal possession of at least four ounces of narcotics
  • Class B: maximum up to 25 years, with a minimum of no less than one year and no more than a third of the maximum term
    • ex. first-degree robbery
  • Class C: maximum up to 15 years, with a minimum between one year and one-third of the maximum
    • ex. first-degree vehicular manslaughter, while driving drunk or with a suspended license
  • Class D: maximum up to seven years, with a minimum between one year and one-third of the maximum
    • ex. second-degree felony assault, including intentionally injuring someone with a deadly weapon
  • Class E: maximum up to four years, with a minimum between one year and one-third of the maximum.
    • ex. aggravated harassment, conspiracy, and stealing a credit card or a car worth more than $100.
Gulotta & Gulotta Law Firm