Personal Injury

Are you looking for a personal injury lawyer that can get you the results you deserve? Gulotta & Gulotta, PLLC has over 30 years of combined experience handling personal injury cases and securing large compensation awards for clients in need.


We fight relentlessly to make sure that our clients are properly compensated for their injuries. We do not charge our clients a fee for our services unless we secure them an award for their injuries.


Divorce mediation is a non-adversarial process where the parties make decisions for their divorce, separation or post divorce / family disputes, without any attorneys. Mediation is a type of negotiation facilitated by a neural third party. Mediation reduces the tension and stress of contentious battles and avoids the high cost associated with litigation. The parties, with the assistance of the mediator, come to a jointly agreed upon resolution which culminates into a final settlement agreement.

Real Estate

Buying or selling your home? If so, our law firm can help get you started in the right direction. Real estate law can be complicated and overwhelming if you don’t have the help to guide you through the process. A real estate attorney reviews potential pitfalls and risks associated with your pending sale or purchase.

Traffic Violations

If you receive a traffic ticket, consult and attorney. Traffic tickets are considered violations, but they can still have severe consequences. For example, if you have been charged with multiple speeding tickets within a short time period, then you could actually be at risk of having your license revokedsuspended, and/or paying hefty fines to the court.

Family Law

Family court proceedings can be extremely long and confusing if you do not have an experienced attorney on your side to help you get through it. This is especially true when it comes to child custody proceedings and visitation proceedings.


If you want to get a fair custody or visitation schedule, then you need a family attorney who can back you up in court and help fight for your legal rights. We can take your case to family court and make sure you are heard.

Matrimonial Law

Going through a divorce can be very painful, but you need to know your options and protect yourself by consulting a knowledgeable attorney to help you through the process. Without one, you might find yourself in a dire emotional and financial situation.

Corporate Law

Are you looking to form a new business?  Well, make sure you are protected and your business is properly formed under New York State Law. It is very quick and easy to set up a new business entity, and we are here to help!

Estate Planning

Do you need an experienced lawyer to help you prepare your Last Will and Testament? Gulotta & Gulotta can help you with this quickly and efficiently. We can also help with other long term care and estate planning. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!”

Gulotta & Gulotta Law Firm